Card Game Redesign

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Everfi has been moving over their design system to React to promote a more scalable and efficient design and engineering process. This change gave us an opportunity to improve old components and make them more enjoyable and versatile for our future courses.

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The old card stack game lacked in interactivity, component flexibility, and also mobile responsiveness. Because of these challenges, it made it difficult to carry over to the new react components

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The solution was a new design that was more intuitive, versatile, and mobile friendly. All of this was done while still making sure the new design was backwards compatible.

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Component research

To get to the final solution I started by gathering and analyzing inspiration for how other companies were using this component.

Collaborative Feedback

While gathering inspiration I also conducted feedback from the internal team regarding what they felt did not work well and what they hoped to see as we refined the old card stack game.


After I gathered feedback and inspiration I began the ideation process. Through exploring multiple design paths I was able to narrow down on the options that worked best for our needs.


Once the ideation phase had ended I began to refine the designs and design out all of the states.

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Final Design

View the prototype link.